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Saturday 16 August 2014

6 Things That Makes The PM's Speech on Independence Day Worth Watching

The incumbent Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi, delivered a speech on the occasion of 68th Independence Day at Red Fort which can be labelled as Inspiring, Motivational, Patriotic, Modernized etc. He spoke for 68 mins at stretch with his usual eloquence. Mr. Modi spoke about our freedom fighters, about opposition, about the burning issues our country is facing and also the solutions of overcoming them. He did everything to win over the hearts of billions.

Just as he requested that his speech should not be measured by any political yardstick we request you not to consider this article any kind of political leaflet.

Every Indian should pay his attention to the words Mr Modi has uttered in his speech and if you ask why, we have multiple reasons for saying that.

1. He Spoke About Crimes Against Women:

Mr PM took the matter of atrocities against females in our country as the first and foremost agenda of his speech. He urged all the parents not to kill any girl growing in the womb of a mother thinking that a girl won't be able to take care of them in their old age.

"There are many parents living in oldage homes who have five successful sons. And also parents of daughters who have sacrificed the dream of getting married, having kids to devote her whole life serving her old parents"

2. He Spoke About Proper Parenting

More often we see parents questioning their daughters, inquiring about her friends and whereabouts, imposing restrictions on them. Mr Modi asked whether parents take the same safeguards for their sons too. He argued that parents must be well informed about their son's activities, his daily routines and refrain him from engaging himself into bad friends circle.

Proper parenting is the key to reduction of crime rate in the country he believes. Indeed, the thought has a substance. We also believe in the same thing. 

3. He Spoke About Entrepreneurship :

India is the most young country as the 65 percent of the population is under the age of 35. However, we have not used this advantage to the maximum in our nation's benefit. Mr Modi said we need Steel Development.

India is importing goods belonging to various categories from abroad in huge quantities. He asked, can't every single youth of India take one of the any importing item and produce it in here so that the dependence on imports reduces.

Definitely that would bring our economy to a great state if our youth accepts the challenge. PM said if we take it to our heart and move towards manufacturing a day will come when we will be able to export what we are importing now. The solution he offered is the Steel Development

4. He Spoke About Make In India :

PM reminded of us the amount of natural resources our country has and called upon every nation to Come Make In India. Manufacturing is the way towards fighting unemployment. He called upon the youth to be involved with manufacturing and other countries to set up their facilities here as we have the resources in optimal quantities.

For our Indian manufacturers, the PM advised to follow the rule of Zero Defect and Zero Effect which means No compromise on quality and No harmful effects to the environment.

Indeed, Mr Modi's speech was also a Zero Defect one.

5. He spoke about Digital India:

We have a huge mobile penetration with one of the largest subscriber base in the world. Still people don't have any bank accounts. Financial exclusion for the poor of the country is wrecking havoc to the economy. The government benefits don't reach the farmers properly.

Digital India would be an effort by the government for financial inclusion of those people through mobile bank accounts. The Digital India program would also encompass things like Long Distance education to remote schools in the country, Telemedicinal Services in remote villages etc.

Commendable plans.

6. He Spoke About Ideal Village concept :

Every MP in the country will select one village of their choice and work towards developing it into a Ideal Village in terms of education, communication and most importantly cleanliness like toilets in every household and all schools.

Mr Modi gave special importance to cleanliness in schools. It is mere the lack of proper toilets that kids in villages don't come to school for. According to him, cleanliness is a major step towards encouraging tourism in the nation as it is also a major source of employment to the country.
Hence, he urged all MPs, Rajya Sabha MPs, State Governments to take part in this activity and develop one Ideal Village in their own respective blocks so that other villages can look up to it and follow suit.

From the whole team of YMGU we wish that this plans would come into effect with the intent of serving the country and not the other plans where the middlemen gain the maximum and intended beneficiaries remain where they are.

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